A Message To Our Listeners In Support Of Equity

Science Friday’s mission is to increase public access to important, reliable, and engaging science journalism. Vital to that mission, to science, and to the public understanding of science are truth, facts, and data. These values are core to Science Friday’s content and work.

For a few years now, Science Friday has had a goal to seek out voices of Black and minority scientists and to raise public awareness of their existence through our programming. We committed to find Black scientists, so disproportionately missing from science news, and shine a light on their contributions.

As a result, we made the research and impact of racial disparity a focus on our radio and digital reporting. We showed how in so many cases, Black communities were disproportionately harmed by unequal access to healthcare, by racially-biased software and technology, and by climate change and environmental regulation. We told the stories of unfair and racist hiring practices in academia and research industries disproportionately affecting Black communities, limiting innovation as well as the diversity of voices. We also uncovered how these practices do long-term, irreversible damage to the lives, genes, physical health, and mental health of Black people and Black communities.

In working to dismantle these historical and contemporary cycles of harm, our team vows to redouble its efforts to elevate and amplify Black voices and experiences in science while creating internal steps to measure our progress. It is our responsibility as journalists to ensure a just representation of Black perspectives in science.

Ample evidence shows the damaging consequences of racial injustice. We are committed to supporting our staff and our community. We acknowledge that all Black lives, work, homes, and communities matter. Our audience expects no less.

black and white photo of people marching with signs that say "we demand voting right now, we demand an end to police brutality, we demand voting right now"
Marchers with signs at the March on Washington, 1963. Credit: Marion Trikosko/Library Of Congress
hundreds of people at protest with signs that say "black lives matted, defund the police"
George Floyd protest in Los Angeles. Credit: Shutterstock

Meet the Writer

About Danielle D. Johnson

Danielle D. Johnson is Science Friday’s executive director (a.k.a. scary boss). She’s also a huge Mets fan and Giants fan. She hates zucchini, unless it’s zucchini bread.