
Doctors Turn to Genetics to Search for Cancer’s Achilles Heel

27:31 minutes

To develop more effective treatments for cancer, doctors are zeroing in on the disease’s genetic drivers. John DiPersio, chief of oncology at Washington University Medical Center, and Merck’s Gary Gilliland discuss how this may revolutionize the future of cancer treatment.

Segment Guests

John DiPersio

John DiPersio is the division chief of oncology at Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital and the deputy director at the Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis, Missouri.

Gary Gilliland

Gary Gilliland is senior vice president and global head of oncology at Merck & Co. in North Wales, Pennsylvania.

Meet the Producer

About Denise Chow

Denise Chow is a sci-tech editor at Live Science and a former associate producer for Science Friday.