Laura Kloepper is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana where she researches echolocation in toothed whales, dolphins, and bats. As a former high school biology teacher, she is passionate about connecting students with scientists and encouraging hands-on bioacoustics research, and launched Soundintheclassroom.org to provide resources and lesson plans for students to conduct quantitative, inquiry-based bioacoustics investigations using free, open-source software.
Team Bat Versus Team Dolphin: A Sonar Smackdown
Who deserves the crown for the best echolocation in the animal kingdom?
How Do Bats Communicate?
Bioacoustician Laura Kloepper uses ziplines, drones, and hawks to decode the mysterious communication of bats.
Burping Bioacoustics
Explore the field of bioacoustics by recording and analyzing the sound waves of human burps.