Sarah Han is originally from California, where she got her B.S. in Entomology from UC Davis. She now studies spiders at the University of Akron in Ohio. Sarah’s research focuses on web-based hunting techniques, and more broadly on web kinematics. She hopes to someday find a career that combines her love of art and science.
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Spider Webs: A Tangled Spring Of Force And Energy
Have you ever wondered how spiders capture prey? Learn how spiders create structures that can store mechanical energy.
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Las vidas enredadas de tus vecinas las arañas
Desde la construcción de telarañas hasta cómo desafían la física con sus catapultas de seda, las arañas guardan muchos secretos. Conoce a los científicos tratando de descubrirlos
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The Tangled Lives Of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider
From web weaving to silk-slinging physics, spiders are full of secrets. Meet the scientists trying to unwind them.