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February 14, 2025
A new book explores how one biologist’s work at the North and South Poles changed the way he sees the world and our place in it. Plus, the FDA approved a new, non-opioid painkiller. How does it work, and who is it for? And, Kinda baboons form long-term friendships between the sexes.
App Chat: Social Media Gets Newsy
Ellis Hamburger, a reporter at The Verge, talks about why social media giants are betting on news.
Building an Open ‘Internet of Things’
Will the ‘Internet of Things’ be open to developers—or hindered by proprietary smart boxes?
Artificial Muscles Flex Using Fishing Line and Thread
Researchers create superhuman strength from sewing thread and fishing line.
For Some Olympians, Winning Medals Is All About Flow
Understanding fluid dynamics helps Olympians shave minutes off race times.
In Wind Tunnels, Ski Jumpers Become Flying Machines
Wind tunnels help Olympic ski jumpers balance between lift and drag.
Andy Weir: ‘The Martian’
Andy Weir’s novel of Mars survival mixes science fact and fiction.
Scientists Hunt for Morning Dew on Mars
Could mysterious dark streaks on Martian slopes be evidence of liquid water flows?
Out of the Bottle: Wine Psychology
How do our expectations, environment, and social cues trick us into believing our wine tastes better or worse?
Solving Life’s Everyday Problems, With Data
Data geeks say our “digital breadcrumbs” can reveal where to eat, who to date, or which bus to take.
Stem Cell Research Update
Researchers in a recent study report creating stem cells in 30 minutes through an acid bath.