Maryn McKenna is a journalist who specializes in public health, global health and food policy. She is the author of Big Chicken: The Incredible Story of How Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture and Changed the Way the World Eats.
Charting A Path To Deliver The COVID-19 Vaccine
Once a COVID-19 vaccine is approved in the United States, the hard work of getting it produced and distributed begins.
A Dangerous Fungal Superbug In Hospitals Worldwide
There’s a new infectious yeast in town and we’re almost out of drugs for it.
How Antibiotics Beefed Up The Chicken Industry
In her new book ‘Big Chicken,’ journalist Maryn McKenna uncovers how the overuse of antibiotics created the current chicken industry.
Which Came First: The Chicken Or Antibiotic Resistance?
In her new book, Maryn McKenna unspools the misuse of drugs, and chronicles how food animals may have created bacteria more resistant to human medicine.