Your Vote Counts In The Charismatic Creature Carnival!
Are you ready to vote for this month’s most Charismatic Creature? After you hear from our experts, cast your ballot!
Our Charismatic Creature Carnival has come to a close. Which of our three finalists will be crowned The People’s Choice Hall Of Famer? Was it the mantis shrimp, the opossum, or the shoebill stork?
Your votes have come in and we’re celebrating the winner at a very special Charismatic Creature-themed SciFri Virtual Trivia Night on October 6th!
SciFri Trivia is a weekly gathering that’s part science-y facts, part dance party, and part pop culture romp—and it’s for anyone looking to bring together teams (or bravely play solo) to win ultimate bragging rights.
Kathleen Davis is a producer at Science Friday, which means she spends the week brainstorming, researching, and writing, typically in that order. She’s a big fan of stories related to strange animal facts and dystopian technology.
Kyle Marian Viterbo is a community manager at Science Friday. She loves sharing hilarious stories about human evolution, hidden museum collections, and the many ways Indiana Jones is a terrible archaeologist.