In Search Of The Best Tail For Balance
The bone and joint structures in mammal tails help them keep their balance. Could those benefits be adapted for robots?
Why Are Flu And Other Viral Infection Rates So High This Year?
Flu infections are the highest they’ve been in nearly 30 years, and flu deaths this winter have surpassed COVID deaths. What’s going on?
Bindi Irwin Encourages Kids To Become ‘Wildlife Warriors’
In her first children’s book, conservationist Bindi Irwin takes little readers on a journey through Australia Zoo.
Why The Internet Was Captivated By A Hideous Fish
A video of a gloriously creepy anglerfish inspired tears and poetry online. But why was this deep-sea dweller near the surface at all?
Making Sense Of Federal Cuts To Science—And What Comes Next
The CEO of one of America’s oldest scientific societies discusses the recent cuts to scientific institutions, and how scientists can respond.
Most Powerful Neutrino Ever Is Detected In the Mediterranean
A neutrino with a record-breaking level of energy was picked up by a detector in the Mediterranean Sea.
Adventures In Science At The Icy ‘Ends Of The Earth’
A new book explores how one biologist’s work at the North and South Poles changed the way he sees the world and our place in it.
Can Men and Women (Baboons) Really Just Be Friends?
Just like in “When Harry Met Sally”, the answer isn’t so simple for Kinda baboons, which form long-term friendships between the sexes.
The FDA Approves A New, Non-Opioid Painkiller
It’s the first FDA approval for a pain medication in 25 years. How does the drug work, and who is it for?
Might Uranus And Neptune Have Deep, Multi-Layer Oceans?
Non-mixing layers of water and hydrocarbons thousands of miles deep could explain the icy planets’ strange magnetic fields.