Birds Evolve Shorter Wings to Escape Traffic Crush
Cliff swallows with shorter wings appear better suited to avoid becoming roadkill.
Scientists Search for Gulf War Illness Answers
More than 20 years later, many Gulf War veterans still suffer from an array of unexplained ailments.
Project Seeks to Bring Extinct Species Back to Life
Michael Archer, leader of the “Lazarus Project,” describes early efforts to bring a frog species back from extinction.
Can Just One Concussion Change the Brain?
A single concussion may cause brain damage, but it remains difficult to diagnose these injuries.
Arming Fat Cells to Fight Brain Cancer
Researchers are investigating ways to turn fat cells into Trojan horses to fight brain cancer.
Improving Healthcare, One Search at a Time
By combing through 100 million search queries, researchers detected a previously unknown interaction between two commonly prescribed drugs.
Physicists Tie Water Into Knots
If you thought a smoke ring was fancy, check out these fluid knots.
Curiosity Hits Paydirt: New Clues to Life on Mars
Microbes may once have thrived in a freshwater lake on Mars, according to clues in an ancient rock.
‘Bones’ Inspires a New Generation of Crime Fighters
Forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs chats about “Code,” her new crime novel for young adults.
And the Award for Best Picture Goes To…
See who took first place in SciFri’s Winter Nature Photo Contest.