Why Do We Find Things Funny?
An excerpt from “Ha! The Science of When We Laugh and Why” by Scott Weems.
Forty Years of Mindbending Success with the Rubik’s Cube
The Rubik’s Cube has over 43 quintillion different starting combinations.
Squarepusher Rocks with Bots
Electronic musician Squarepusher talks about writing “Music for Robots.”
App Chat: Apps to Mind Your Money
Forget balancing a checkbook. Today there are better ways for the budget-minded to keep track of bank balances.
These Infographics Show ‘The Way to Go’
When it comes to explaining how modern transportation infrastructure works, Kate Ascher prefers to show, not tell.
Thoreau, Climate Scientist
Scientists use Henry David Thoreau’s notes to study climate change at Walden Pond.
The Science Club Talks Art Machines
The Science Club meets to recap the month’s “Build an Art Machine” project.
Can We Game Our Way to Better Health?
Gamers and scientists join forces to develop “serious games” to improve health.
Amir Aczel: ‘Why Science Does Not Disprove God’
Aczel’s latest book chronicles the New Atheist movement, taking aim at scientists like Richard Dawkins.