‘Consider the Fork’ Chronicles Evolution of Eating
Author Bee Wilson examines how changing kitchen tools have influenced what, and how, we eat.
Book Challenges Kids With Science-Based Mysteries
A father/daughter team has written a series of brain-teasers for science-minded students.
The Renaissance Man Who Got It All Wrong
In A Man of Misconceptions, John Glassie writes of the priest-scientist Athanasius Kircher.
Making Resolutions That Stick
Nearly half of U.S. adults will make year-end resolutions to change for the better in the coming year.
Debunking Doomsday and Exploring Maya Science
Two archaeologists weigh in on what the ancient Maya actually said about 2012. Spoiler: not much.
The SciFri Book Club Tours ‘The Planets’
The book club reviews Dava Sobel’s 2005 homage to the solar system.
Shooting Stars
Photographer Colin Legg makes time-lapse movies of celestial scenes. Legg shares tips, and describes some of the challenges of landscape astrophotography—from babysitting cameras for days and nights on end to running electronics off the grid.
Alan Alda’s Challenge to Scientists: What Is Time?
Calling all scientists! How do you explain the concept of time to an 11-year-old?
Is It Possible to Create a Mind?
What does intelligence really mean? Can we build a machine that thinks as humans do?