How Dense Is Snow?
Use a measuring cup to figure out the density of snow.
Snotty Plots: How Do You Graph A Sneeze?
Simulate a sneeze with paint, then graphically determine where most of it lands.
No Waffling on the Numbers
Three delicious math games you can play on your waffles to build math fact fluency and geometry skills, from the folks at Bedtime Math.
Zip Line Zoo
In this activity from Bedtime Math, you’ll build a stuffed-animal zip line and practice measuring time, distance, and angles.
Alan Alda’s Challenge to Scientists: Define Color
Alda’s ‘Flame Challenge’ asks scientists to explain color—with children as the judges.
‘The Simpsons’ Has Been Drip-Feeding Us Math
An excerpt from “The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets.”
Annual Prizes Honor the Stranger Side of Science
The IgNobel Prizes salute unusual research, such as an investigation of dung beetle navigation.
The Other Golden Rule
Did you know that most mammals, from a house cat to an elephant, take roughly the same amount of time to urinate?
What You Didn’t Know About Einstein
When you find yourself wanting to re-read a book that you just finished, you gotta recommend it to others.
Making Sense of Science Infographics
How you can decode modern infographics and spot those that mislead.