Food Failures: Avoiding Grilling and Barbecue Pitfalls
Marinade myths, charcoal chemistry, and the elusive “smoke ring”—the science behind barbecue and grilling.
Getting A Grasp On The Clever Cephalopod
The nautilus, the “living fossil” of cephalopods, can uncover the origins of the complex brain of modern cephalopods.
3-D Mammography Detects More Cancers, But Will It Save Lives?
A new study suggests that 3-D mammography detects more cancers than traditional digital mammography. But the technology is expensive, and there’s no indication yet that it catches more dangerous cancers, or is saving more lives.
Making Art From the DNA You Leave Behind
Artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg calls attention to genetic surveillance with artworks made from strangers’ DNA.
Arnold Relman, Health System Critic, Dead at 91
Relman called the American health care system a “new medical-industrial complex.” We remember him here with two archival clips.
Reinventing How City Dwellers Get Around
Portland, Oregon, is a hotbed for transit innovation. Will other cities catch on?
What Happens After the Robot Apocalypse?
In “Robogenesis,” sci-fi author Daniel H. Wilson imagines the world post-robot uprising.
Untangling the Web of Spider Science
Arachnologist Greta Binford traces the evolution of spiders by examining their venom.
At Reed College, Nuclear Education That’s Really ‘Hands-On’
At Reed College, undergraduates keep a nuclear reactor running.
Beer Science: Crafting the Perfect Pint
Two of Oregon’s craft brew experts pore over hops, yeast, malt, and the microbiology of beer.