As Storm Recovery Continues, Looking to the Future
With Sandy leaving destruction in her wake, a look at how cities might plan for future storms.
How Reliable Are Electronic Voting Machines?
Can electronic voting machines be hacked? An expert gives us a pre-election update on voting technologies.
In Twitter We Trust: Can Social Media Sway Voters?
Scientists are examining how social media can influence the opinions of voters.
The SciFri Book Club Falls For Mr. Feynman
The Science Friday Book Club discusses the classic book “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!”
Making Sense of Presidential Polls
Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the presidential polls? A neuroscientist and statistician talk about how to make sense of the election—and why not all votes are created equal.
New Program Spurs Solar Development on Public Land
The plan identifies 285,000 acres of public land in six Western states for solar energy projects.
Analyzing the Evidence on DNA
“All DNA evidence is not created equal,” says Greg Hampikian, Director of the Idaho Innocence Project. He’ll tell us why DNA ‘evidence’ sometimes leads to the wrong conclusion.
Changing Views About a Changing Climate
Former climate change skeptic Richard Muller describes his evolving views on climate change science.
Tech Giants Gear Up for Patent Battle
Apple and Samsung enter the courtroom in a battle over the way their mobile devices work, look, and feel.
Spending the Holidays at a Toxic Waste Site
Where the typical tourist sees putrid wasteland, writer Andrew Blackwell sees magnificent scenery.