Annual Prizes Honor the Stranger Side of Science
The IgNobel Prizes salute unusual research, such as an investigation of dung beetle navigation.
The Other Golden Rule
Did you know that most mammals, from a house cat to an elephant, take roughly the same amount of time to urinate?
So Far, No Silver Bullet To Stop Lethal Bat Fungus
Scientists say antifungal bacteria could help fight the fungus causing white-nose syndrome.
The Real-Life Walking Dead
People suffering from Cotard’s syndrome believe they are dead or no longer exist.
Uncovering the Brain of a Psychopath
Neuroscientist James Fallon’s brain scan matched the patterns in the scan of a psychopath.
Discover the Inner Beauty of the Naked Mole Rat
How do naked mole rats live to 30 years without getting cancer?
The Inner Beauty of Naked Mole Rats
How do naked mole rats live to 30 years without getting cancer? Research by Vera Gorbunova and Andrei Seluanov of the University of Rochester shows how these aesthetically challenged creatures live long, cancer-free lives.
Logging In to the Brain’s Social Network
Neuroscientist Matthew Lieberman explores how our brains connect to the social world.
Promising New Treatment for the Deadly Ebola Virus
Outbreaks of the Ebola virus have a 90 percent fatality rate in humans.
A Trade-off Between Skin Protection and Testicular Cancer Risk?
Studying the link between genetic variations implicated in cancer may lead to more personalized treatments.