To Combat Rising Seas, Why Not Raise Up the Town?
Planning for the next Sandy, a New Jersey mayor has proposed lifting up his town. But at what cost?
Living Inside the Box
Michele Bertomen and David Boyle bought an empty 20-by-40-foot lot in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and built a home constructed from shipping containers.
Science Project: Coffee
Get the scoop on coffee flavor with Harold McGee’s counter-top chemistry experiment.
James Webb Space Telescope Wings It
The telescope’s massive mirror will unfurl on a newly completed set of wings.
President Obama Calls for a ‘BRAIN Initiative’
NIH Director Francis Collins discusses President Obama’s new ‘BRAIN Initiative’ research program.
Building Synthetic Tissues from Water Droplets?
Researchers turned tiny water droplets into cooperating networks that can change shape and pass electrical signals.
Making Tissues from Water Droplets?
Researchers turned tiny water droplets into cooperative networks that can change shape and pass electrical signals.
How to Get 6,000 People to Talk Science
Bill Nye and I were on a panel discussing how to tell stories about science.
Grand Central: An Engine of Scientific Innovation
Standard time zones and electric trains were both pioneered at New York’s Grand Central Terminal.
Scientists Search for Gulf War Illness Answers
More than 20 years later, many Gulf War veterans still suffer from an array of unexplained ailments.