

A Chair Fit for Dancing

Equipped with omnidirectional movement, a rotating seat, and a hands-free control, Merry Lynn Morris’ rolling dance chair enables dancers to explore new movement techniques, and may one day provide greater mobility in everyday life, too.

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Grabbing the Horns From the Bull

Alison Van Eenennaam and colleagues at UC Davis, along with researchers at the biotech company Recombinetics, aim to develop a genetically hornless cattle that might one day replace cows whose horns must be physical removed through expensive and painful methods.

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The Golden Record Decoded

Voyager 1 and 2 will drift for billions of years in the emptiness carrying a Golden Records, inscribed with our message to any intelligent spacefaring civilization that discovers it.

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Breakthrough: A Re-Sounding Remedy

Under the care of hearing researcher Rene Gifford, Allyson Sisler-Dinwiddie became one of the first test subjects of a new technique to improve cochlear implants, devices that use electrodes to stimulate cells in the inner ear.

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