Science Friday partners with educators and scientists to create free STEM activities, lessons, and resources for all learners.
Spider Webs: A Tangled Spring Of Force And Energy
Have you ever wondered how spiders capture prey? Learn how spiders create structures that can store mechanical energy.
Paper Airplane Flight Challenge
Discover what makes a paper airplane fly longer, farther, and higher with this design challenge — all you need is a piece of paper!
Soil Engineering: The Relationship Between Soil Texture and Function
Not all soil is the same. Explore soil texture and structure in this hands-on investigation, then predict how soil health will be affected by climate change.
Experiment With Bumblebee Static Electricity
Bumble bees create and feel the buzz of static electricity, and you can too. Use simple household items to investigate static charges.
Environmental Justice: Evaluating Zip Codes And Pollution Burdens
Who bears the pollution burden? Use data to determine the pollution burden for a community and the systems that contribute to environmental injustice.
Volcanic Soundwaves
Explore how sound waves are transmitted and visualized in this activity about infrasound and volcanic activity. Develop a sound to model a waveform.
Capture The Scents Of The Season
Create a scent that captures the essence of the winter season—and explore why the smell of evergreens [or ‘sugar cookies’] can remind you of the holidays.
The Cookie Chemistry Challenge
Can you create the most crowd-pleasing cookie? Let kitchen chemistry help you explore how ingredients, timing, and temperature affect your cookie’s crumble.
How To Make A Pop-Up Book With Engineering
Use geometry to make and measure paper pop-up book mechanisms—from the v-fold to the box layer.
Design A Glove Fit For An Astronaut
In this engineering design challenge, invent space gloves that will allow astronauts to collect samples on future missions to Mars.