Investigate How Sunlight Affects Your Favorite Plastic Toys
Learn how UV light from the sun degrades plastic over time and discover ways to protect toys from discoloration and damage.
Model Chemical Elements And Molecules With Bricks
Build simple atoms and molecule models using plastic construction bricks—like LEGO—as you explore the elements that shaped all life on Earth.
Test Your Taste Receptors With Spicy Treats
Discover the science behind foods that make your tongue tingle. Experiment with spiced beverages that activate your mouth’s TRP receptors.
The Science Of Sweaters: Chemistry In Your Closet
What is your favorite sweater made from? Investigate textiles and discover the different characteristics of common materials.
Convection Can Be Pretty
In this excerpt from the book Science for Parents, learn how to visualize convection using stuff you’ve probably already got in your kitchen.
Eggs To Dye For
Why do eggs turn out brighter with a little vinegar? Investigate how different acids affect egg dyes in this kitchen chemistry experiment.
Science Friday Home Science Highlights of 2014
Our best home experiments and maker projects from 2014.
Squishy Circuits
Use two play dough recipes to create “squishy circuits” and explore electricity.