Mount Everest Still Holds Mysteries For Scientists
On an upcoming trip, scientists will re-measure the peak’s altitude–a stat still under dispute.
Can An Early Spring Confuse Nature’s Clock?
Tom Turpin and Kristin Schleiter discuss how an early spring can affect flower buds and bees.
Michael Mann, From The Trenches Of The ‘Climate War’
Michael Mann discusses his new book and his journey from computer geek to climate warrior.
Neil deGrasse Tyson On Exploring Cosmic Frontiers
In Space Chronicles, Tyson argues that space exploration is vital to human progress.
Imagining A More Active Moon
New research says that our moon may be more geologically active than once thought.
Secret Life Of Ice
Photographer Edward Aites zoomed in on ice and found a beautiful and foreign landscape.
Desert Military Bases Could Be Boon To Solar
Bases in California could host seven gigawatts of solar power farms, according to a new report.
Air Pollution Ups Risk Of Stroke, Impaired Memory
Exposure to smog may trigger strokes and accelerate cognitive declines, two new studies say.
Where’s The Cuttlefish
Biologist Sarah Zylinski studies how cuttlefish see the world by looking at their skin.
Approved Reactors Could Power Up Nuclear Industry
Federal agency approves a license to build two nuclear reactors designed to provide cooling in absence of electricity.