Make Ancient Ink With The Help Of Oak Tree Parasites
Bring history to life through biology and chemistry as you make iron oak gall ink like Leonardo da Vinci did.
Tracking Tuna: How Do Behavior And Environment Interact?
Researchers track tuna fish across the ocean. What do they hope to learn and how can you use the same science to make your day better?
Capture The Iridescence Of Camouflaging Cephalopod Skin
Explore the deep, color-changing iridophore and leucophore layers of cephalopod skin to see they use light to camouflage themselves.
Dinosaur Poop 101: Fossil Fecal Forensics
Fossilized feces, known as coprolites, are helping paleontologists shed new light on the lifestyles and habits of dinosaurs that fossil bones can’t show.
How Do Scientists Know What Dinosaurs Looked Like?
Put yourselves in the shoes of a paleontologist and paleoartist as you try to recreate what dinosaurs looked like using the same methods as the experts.