Plan An Ink-Credible STEAM Adventure For Cephalopod Week
Celebrate cephalopods anytime with fun party tips, mind-blowing videos, book suggestions for all ages, and exciting STEAM activities.
Investigate How Sunlight Affects Your Favorite Plastic Toys
Learn how UV light from the sun degrades plastic over time and discover ways to protect toys from discoloration and damage.
Participate In Science While You Watch The Solar Eclipse
Be a scientist with four easy ways to observe the total solar eclipse and report your results to researchers.
¿Cómo puedo ver un eclipse solar de forma segura?
Ver un eclipse solar es una oportunidad de ser parte de uno de los fenómenos científicos más emocionantes. ¿Estás listo?
Cinco maneras de ver el eclipse solar
¿No tienes gafas para eclipses? No hay problema. Aquí hay cinco maneras para ver el eclipse solar de forma segura.
Talk Like A Spider Using Sound And Secret Codes
Discover how spiders communicate through vibrations and dance. Then, create a cipher to “talk” like a spider using your own tap code language.
Use Clues From Rapid Evolution To Design Better Fish Gills
Discover why and how fish are evolving rapidly in remote mountain lakes. Then use what you learn for an engineering challenge.
Test Your Taste Receptors With Spicy Treats
Discover the science behind foods that make your tongue tingle. Experiment with spiced beverages that activate your mouth’s TRP receptors.
Experiment With Fluid Physics In Your Kitchen
Experiment with non-Newtonian fluids, like ketchup and Oobleck, to determine how they react to shear stress.
The Science Of Sweaters: Chemistry In Your Closet
What is your favorite sweater made from? Investigate textiles and discover the different characteristics of common materials.