Experiment With Fluid Physics In Your Kitchen
Experiment with non-Newtonian fluids, like ketchup and Oobleck, to determine how they react to shear stress.
Gravity And Centripetal Force In Our Solar System
Become the Sun as you experiment with the many ways that motion, gravity, inertia, and centripetal force shape our solar system.
What Cherokee Fire Pots Can Teach Us About Thermal Conduction
Learn about thermal energy by examining the design of Cherokee fire pots, then reflect on Indigenous ways of knowing and westernized notions of science.
Why Your Skin And Streets Need Antioxidants
Conduct experiments with everyday antioxidants like lemon juice and chocolate, then learn how antioxidant byproducts from olive oil production can be repurposed for roads and cosmetics.
Spider Webs: A Tangled Spring Of Force And Energy
Have you ever wondered how spiders capture prey? Learn how spiders create structures that can store mechanical energy.
Experiment With Bumblebee Static Electricity
Bumble bees create and feel the buzz of static electricity, and you can too. Use simple household items to investigate static charges.
Hack A Solar Circuit
Deconstruct an inexpensive solar circuit, then repurpose it to engineer a foldable, lightweight solar-powered device that solves a real human problem.
How To Be A Vibration Detective
By measuring the ground’s vibrations, you can learn a lot about what is happening both near and far away.
Slippery Soles: A Lesson In Friction
Even in our best winter boots, we often slip and slide on icy sidewalks. Design a boot that doesn’t slip on ice, in this friction and surface area engineering challenge.
All Spun Up: A Look At Properties Of Rotation
Why do hardboiled eggs spin better than raw ones? How can you engineer faster race car wheels? The key is understanding rotational inertia.