Down The Drain: How Water Journeys Through City Sewers
Investigate how water travels through city sewers and impacts the environment. Then, experiment to address urban flooding and pollution.
Rewards And Neurotransmitters: How Games Can Affect Your Brain
Discover the ways reward systems like games, puzzles, and escape rooms can encourage positive or negative behaviors.
Use Clues From Rapid Evolution To Design Better Fish Gills
Discover why and how fish are evolving rapidly in remote mountain lakes. Then use what you learn for an engineering challenge.
Do Cells, Tissues, And Organs Give Super Athletes An Edge?
What does it take to be a super athlete? Take a close-up look at cells, tissues, and organs to see if their biology gives them an advantage.
Use Engineering To Design The Perfect Ice Cream
Create your perfect scoop in this ice cream science activity! All you need is a bag, some milk, and the engineering design method.
Looking For Life In The Deep Ocean: An Engineering Challenge
How would you look for life in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean? Get ready to investigate and invent as you search the seas.
Investigate Biodiversity As You Design A Frog
Design a frog species of your own as you learn about the many ways frogs and toads adapt to their environment.
What Makes A Superbloom So Super?
A super bloom a desert phenomenon where massive amounts of wildflowers bloom at exactly the same time. How is it possible?
Use Engineering To Design A Solar Space Probe
Get hands-on as you use the engineering design process to build a solar space probe to investigate the Sun.
Bring The Artemis Mission Home With Hands-On Activities
Grab some supplies and try these hands-on STEM activities right at home to celebrate the Artemis mission to the Moon.