The Impressive Health Benefits Of Engaging With The Arts
We intrinsically know that art is good for us, but now we have much more scientific evidence detailing its health benefits.
The Surprising Ways Art Changes Our Brains And Bodies
‘Your Brain On Art’ examines new research about the effectiveness of art in healthcare and the benefits of picking up a daily arts practice.
Tracking Pain In Your Brain
Scientists are decoding the brain signals linked to chronic pain.
What Can We Learn From A Woman Who Feels No Pain?
Understanding the gene mutations causing Jo Cameron’s inability to feel pain could lead to better pain medications for the rest of us.
This Is Your Brain On Words
A recent study explores what parts of the brain get activated while reading.
The First Fully Mapped Animal Brain Is The Larva Of A Fruit Fly
A 12-year effort to map the entire brain of a fruit fly larva is finally complete—a meaningful step in understanding things like addiction and consciousness.
Lion’s Mane Mushrooms Improve Memory, Study Finds
Mice fed with the mushroom had better hippocampal memory—a result that may guide new treatments for dementia.
The Grieving Brain: SciFri Book Club Author Livestream And Q&A
On March 23, join our chat with the author of ‘The Grieving Brain’ about the neuroscience behind this profound human experience.
Read ‘The Grieving Brain’ With The SciFri Book Club
Grief happens in our hearts, bodies and minds. Read about the neuroscience behind this profound human experience with us this March.
Mapping Brain Connections Reinforces Theories On Human Cognition
For human cognition, understanding connections between brain regions may be even more important than the functions of the regions themselves.